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Elections are Blood Sport

A very important foundational principle of the United States is separation of powers. Americans are familiar with the three branches of government dividing power among the executive, legislative, and judicial […]

Computer Modeling

Randy Larsen (best selling author of Our Own Worst Enemy) asked me to write a 1400-word article to explain computer modeling in laymen’s terms. This article was originally posted on […]

Who’s on top?

Anyone paying attention knows the United States is in peril. Of course, there are those in denial. There are also those who are cheering the downfall. But the inescapable fact […]

Freedom to Fail

Of all the possible freedoms, the “freedom to take a risk” is overlooked but of paramount importance. Implicit in this freedom is the responsibility to accept a bad outcome. Every […]

Freedom First

Mike Rowe is an underappreciated American treasure. In addition to his contributions to opera and educational, entertaining programs like “Dirty Jobs,” Mike has identified very important fixes to the American […]

One Government; One Party

Totalitarian states all have one thing in common—a single political party rules. Whether these states are labeled fascist, national socialist (really the same thing as fascist), socialist, or communist, one […]

Grudge Justice

Since men and women have interacted with others, the individuals involved in the interaction have had to evaluate the “fairness” of the interaction. This is the root of the most […]

Domestic Enemy, Conclusion

In 2019, I published an article entitled “Against all Enemies.” I had pondered the clause on “domestic” enemies in the military oath for years, but meaningful conclusions about actions have […]

Liberty and Freedom

In Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism, Ronald J. Pestritto makes an observation that is perhaps the most important abuse of the English language that Americans should know. In […]

Representative or Leader?

Another insidious use of terms concerns our relationship with elected officials. In a representative republic, the representatives work for the sovereign. That sovereign is the people. As such, it is […]

The Nature of Communism, Part 7

Bullies, Cowards, and Heroes Merriam-Webster provides the following definitions: A bully is “one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way […]

A Mostly Noncontact Sport

Americans can’t seem to agree on much of anything these days. In point of fact, Americans have always disagreed in their conclusions. That is the nature of liberty and freedom. […]

Computer Modeling

This article was originally posted on Randy Larsen’s website. Among other positions in my long career in the computer field, I spent five years building computer models. the representation, often […]

The Nature of Communism, Part 3

Modern Aesopian Language Part 2 of this series introduced the Communists’ Aesopian Language. Like all languages, it has “moved” – slightly. “Progressive” still describes anything that advances socialism, and “liberation” […]

The “Silenced” Majority

Since November of 1969, when President Richard Nixon first used the term, “silent majority” has been a part of the American vernacular. Like the terms “democracy” and “freedom,”  we use […]

Clarity out of Chaos

As we watch the United States burn, real lives and livelihoods of our fellow citizens are being destroyed. A determined enemy is attacking the bonds of civil society, and most […]

Uncertain Truth

Science is the search for truth. It is similar to a treasure hunt where we really don’t know what the treasure looks like. We make fun of the medieval thinking […]

Against All Enemies

Every military officer takes the uniformed services oath of office. The oath contains the following, “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign […]

Commander In Chief

The nation rightfully gets concerned whenever the President orders military force to be used anywhere in the world. Congress almost always waves the War Powers Resolution to challenge the President’s […]

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